Tuesday 24 September 2013

Fashion Fix- The difference between Failure and Success!

Shown above are some LOVELY styles from the Emmy's, including character of 'Lily' from How I met Your Mother, 'Penny' from Big Bang Theory (Kaley Cuoco) and another girl whose name I cannot remember. All showing off beautiful dresses and hair-do's. Love the pink matching cropped top with maxi skirt from girl numero 3, as well as Penny's beautiful rouge layer dress, and Alyson Hannigan- well, I just love HIMYM and her dress is quite nice and flattering too! Furthermore, the final candidate for fashion success, is this random (soz if she uber famous) but awesomely dressed lady. The overall darkness of her hair and whole dress is suddenly changed by the hint of light in the little white shoes she shows a slither of in the cut of her dress. I love this lady- whoever she may be.

Below are some people who tried hard- and had some bravery... but couldn't quite pull it off. I mean, I know I would never wear any of the below styles. Just NO! No. 1 has it all wrong. Make up; face shape; hair stlye; shoes; DRESS...Would you like some fairy wings no. 2? Ok, it's alright but better luck next time. Number 3: nope, cosmic just really isn't working for me! And number 4, I feel bad for how enthusiastic she looks (facially) but around the body area (e.g. dress) it's just like... no.

Love Truly xxx- Oh and soz if I sound rude but I take fashion personally! jk ;)
P.S. Now that is just adorable:!

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