Friday, 30 May 2014

Disney Party: Fun and Games

Hallo friends!

To stick to the theme of this Disney party, you must have games. Don't lie, you love 'em. Each game can have a Disney theme e.g. Peter Pan or Under the Sea Treasure Hunt

The first game we prepared took place before the tea-party section:

Cupcake Decorating!!

You will need:

  • about 20 cupcakes (as per number of people invited)
  • cupcake decorating essentials (sprinkles, edible flowers etc)
  • icing
  • food colouring
  • prizes (sweets, beauty products etc)

Spilt everyone into 3 or 4 teams and give each group the number of cupcakes as per people in their group. Set out enough tables so that each group has their own. Divide up also cupcake decorating essentials and food colouring so each group have enough. Lay out bowls of icing for everyone to use.

Decide on a couple of your fave Disney movies and time each group so that they have 10 minutes to decorate their cupcakes in the style of chosen themes. At the end of 10 minutes, collect everyone's cupcakes in labelled containers and  ask someone else (unbias extra member) to chose their favourite group. After this has been announced, lay out all the cupcakes on the main table on plates so that when guests come to be seated, they can find the cupcake they decorated.

Treasure Hunt

You will need:

  • prizes (sweets, beauty products etc)
  • disney-related objects [that you can stick clues to]
  • paper & pen (to jot clues)
  • balloons
  • jigsaw puzzle
Print off clues that you think would be appropriate for your game. Divide them equally, order them and colour co-ordinate each set of clues. Go around the house sticking clues to relevant objects that lead to next clue and so on.

Once again, divide guests into around 3 groups. Put the first clues in a balloon (before blowing it up). Give each group a balloon and wait till they figure out what to do with it. Tell them they must use only their clues and keep all clues as they go along (so you know they aren't just looking for random clues). Sit and wait.... The group that come back first should be given the prize.
"Cindy's glass slippers"


You will need:

  • notepad & pen
  • paper for groups & pens (optional: something for them to lean on)
  • prizes (sweets, beauty products etc)
  • something to play music from
This game is pretty self explanatory. It can be played when guests are finishing off meal. If you want, you can divide the quiz into sections- e.g. music round: guess the song or e.g. questioning round: average questions about Disney films or e.g. personal round: questions about the birthday girls or e.g. who am I?: clues about Disney characters

Give each group a pen and paper and read out the questions. Either you or an unbias extra member can mark the papers afterwards. Give the winners the prize.

Have fun- think of some of your own ideas!
Truly xxx

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